
Showing posts from January, 2021

Robert Jackman's Self Help Materials

  Fast Five Link Option Having completed the exercises I felt it had been an enlightening experience which could open up other channels of self help not previously explored.  I found the questionnaires helpful as a focus particularly with the opportunity to choose and identify personal motivations values and aims and working from the idea of each of us already having a repertoire of defining moments in life that tend to shape our psyche and self worth.

Ancient Greece: Hippocrates

Watch video  

Royal College of Psychiatrists Special Interest Group

There is an interesting selection of topics. I attended a Spirituality SIG Conference and would like to try further  SIG groups when I have a home moving date or the lockdown has ended. SIG Group  (Link to Brochure)

Ayurvedic Medicine

 I would be interested in finding out about individual or reported experiences using these products for insomnia or similar remedies or if someone would like to try a product and comment: Vedic Essentials Carolyn